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Welcome to my Blog! I will be updating this blog everyday I am in Prague, and other places in Europe, with a picture and an interesting story that happened to me. This is my way of documenting my trip for all to experience this wonderful oppourtunity of studying abroad in Prague. I will be taking a photojournalism class while abroad so watch out for some AMAZING (hopefully) pictures that I will share.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Strolling Along Charles Bridge

Sometimes it just nice to be by yourself and explore a new city, and that is exactly what I did today. I decided to go to Charles Bridge alone and bring my camera along to see what I could capture. One thing is for certain, you do not want to go to Charles Bridge during the day on a Friday. The entire place was full of tourists! It was literally difficult to even walk on the bridge with all of these people. Now I know I am kind of a tourist, not really because I am living here for six weeks but, seriously people, it is just a bridge.

Anyways, I just walked around taking pictures and I think I got a few good shots. This was a very relaxing and care free day. I realized that some days you just need to be independent and go explore on your own, you never know what you will find.


  1. Your photographs are amazing! I'm really enjoying your journeys and journals through Prague.

  2. Thanks! I'm really enjoying Prague, and having an awesome time taking pictures. :)
