I guess I have a thing for the dead. I decided to go back to the Prague cemetary today to get some more shots for my project and I'm glad I did. More than half of my shots that I am using for the project are from today. I find that when you go over your photographs and see your weaknesses then go back, your shots will improve dramtically. I got a really cool shot of a gravedigger which I will put in this addition of Reality Czech!
Also today the group went to the Prague museum. This museum was well... really boring. The only interesting thing was a miniature model of Prague. A librarian made it in the early 1800's and it shows the entire city. The craftsmanship was amazing and I can only imagine the work put into something so detailed. I would have pictures for you but, you had to pay extra to take pictures in the museum. The Czechs charge for everything, even water.
The last interesting thing that happened to me today was when I was actually sitting in a Starbucks. I heard some strange music outside and like a good little photojournalist I ran outside with my camera to inversigate. It was a traveling group of Hare Kristnas. "Hare Kristnas are a sect of Hindu Vaishnava and their core beliefs are based on traditional Hindu scriptures such as the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam and the Bhagavad-gītā,both of which, according to the traditional Hindu view, date back more than 5,000 years (Wikipedia)." They were singing and marching through old town square which made for some very cool pictures.
So, cemetary, museum, and Hare Kristnas. A very relaxing and calm day here in Prague.
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