My feet hurt. Like really, really bad. The ammount of walking I have done in the past 24 hours might actually be more than I have walked in my entire life. My feet hurt.
Well... I might be exaggerating a little but, today I did walk quite a long ways. We went on a walking tour of Prague and visited different parts of Prague that tourists usually never see. We went across a rickety old pedestrian bridge into the commmunities that were once communist housing. We eventually ended up at the communist museum and walked around that for a while. Today was a very tiring day and not my favorite so far.
The most fun thing though happened this morning when we watched the sunrise from the castle that overlooks Prague. I have never seen anything so gorgeous in my entire life. It's hard to describe it, you just had to have been there.
So, well...since I'm tired and my feet hurt. Let me just leave you with a few of my favorite pictures that I took today.
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