Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Prague we lay our scene? Today was one of those days that I will remember for the rest of my life. Today I not only marched in a gypsy parade through the streets of Prague but, I saw Romeo and Juliet outside of a castle overlooking the city.
The parade started in Wenceslas Square where groups of gypsy dancers, musicians, and even stilt walkers congregated to warm up their performances. The colors of the gypsies dresses and the motion of them when they danced was a dream for an aspiring photographer. This is the first time that I have felt like a real photographer. Shooting graveyards is an easy thing compared to this. "No one will get in your way and push you around in a graveyard, and if they do then run",famous words of Dennis Darling. There were so many tourists and we had to go through narrow streets to follow the parade. I found myself bumping into people and falling over numerous times but, as long as I got a good shot I was happy.
Tonight we went and saw Romeo and Juliet across from my apartment where the old castle used to be. Now all that is left is a church and the giant wall that protected the castle. The play was performed outside in an ampitheatre. The cast was amazing and the setting was even more ideal to see this famous Shakespeare play. The nurse was played by a very funny british man in drag, so that was a sight to see. I also got some really cool shots of the actors in the play.
Today was a good day. I saw gypsies and watched Romeo and Juliet, what more can I ask for? Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things; Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished: For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Cody-O?
LOVE the photo, Cody!! It came out so great!