Today we went to the Terezin concentration camp located forty-five minutes outside of Prague. Terezin was a camp for Jews and others deemed "undesirable" by the Nazis during WW2. The camp served as a holding station to sort out people until they were eventually sent on trains to extermination camps to die in the east.
Terezin was beautiful in a very creepy way. The center of the camp had a beautiful park with roses but, the thought of what happened to the Jewish people there years ago gave Terezin a weird vibe. People still live in Terezin today and I can't understand how you can live in a place where so many people were sent to die. The trip was really interesting because we go to see the entire camp and explore around ourselves. We went into the tunnels that the Nazis used and visited the bunks of the prisoners.
Overall, the camp was a humbling and solemn experience. It was neat to get to see the history before my own eyes but, this history had a dark, evil past.