The last two days of my journey have been filled with the theatre and museum visits. The thing that distinguishes these places from others is their one common theme, the Beatles. Yes, the Beatles. Yesterday I went to a blacklight performance of "The Yellow Submarine" and today I went to a Beatles exhibit at a museum.
Who dosen't love the Beatles? They were an icon in their time and in many ways still are today. You may be asking, "What is a blacklight theatre?" Well, I wasn't sure myself until I went and saw one. A blacklight theatre is a stage filled with blacklights and all of the props and costumes are covered in fluorescent paint. They are all non-verbal performances with actors using puppets, dance, pantomime, and other means to tell a story. The one I attended told a love story while using famous Beatles songs to move the story along. It was very strange and didn't make a whole lot of sense but, the effects were really cool. At one point people dressed as giant eyeballs turned into judges and sent the main character to prison. Yeah, you had to be there to understand.
The museum exhibit was also a really great experience. The museum had some Beatles memorabilia and told their story. It was really interactive and great fun. One of the areas had 60's clothing that you could try on, and another had a mixing board that you could mix a Beatles song with various beats. They even had a piano you could play; I played "Let it Be" because that is the only song I have memorized and it seemed fitting.
So in 2010 I got to experience the age of peace, free love, and the great music of the Beatles, even it was just for a day. WOULD play let it be!!!