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Welcome to my Blog! I will be updating this blog everyday I am in Prague, and other places in Europe, with a picture and an interesting story that happened to me. This is my way of documenting my trip for all to experience this wonderful oppourtunity of studying abroad in Prague. I will be taking a photojournalism class while abroad so watch out for some AMAZING (hopefully) pictures that I will share.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Medieval Madness

Knights, horses, fair maidens, and a court jester. Probably wouldn't expect to see these things in 2010, right? Today I went to a Medieval parade where a group of Czech people dressed up in period clothing and marched through the streets of Prague.

This festive occassion is called the King's Parade and it takes place every year in Prague. The parade follows a historical tradition, roots of which reach to the reign of the emperor Charles IV. The emperor kept the crown jewels of the Holy Roman Empire in his country residence, the KarlÅ¡tejn castle and annually had them displayed for the eyes of believers during Easter in Prague. Shortly after that the jewels were brought back and that is the theme of the King´s parade from Prague to KarlÅ¡tejn.

These perfromers walk for over 40 miles to recreate the carrying of the crowned jewels! This parade was alot of fun and a great photo oppourtunity. Not to mention Starbucks was close by, and I got my coffee drinking on.

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